Your words, so sweet and so nice
Your words, we would play and scamper like mice.
We would play dinosaurs or horses, and could you believe,
that I would go to the grave of our friendship and grieve.
We would play outside and run free,
but the last time I saw you, your words stung like a bee.
I know you are my family now, I can’t disagree,
but I had to hide your deeds, although for freedom I had to plea.
On the day of my cousin’s wed, you made me feel alone,
Your words, shown that when I tried to have fun, you would angrily groan.
No weapon on this earth can compare how I felt
when you shooed me away like a pest, my face was wet and I knelt.
I went into the car, hearing the click of my seatbelt
cannot stop reliving the pain that I have dealt.
Every living day, it seems to get worse
I have to deal with your words with your scarce remorse.
So if you are reading this, I want to to hear
that if you want to be my friend, you have to act like my family with love, not fear.
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