Your Words

Your words, so sweet and so nice
Your words, we would play and scamper like mice.
We would play dinosaurs or horses, and could you believe,
that I would go to the grave of our friendship and grieve.
We would play outside and run free,
but the last time I saw you, your words stung like a bee.
I know you are my family now, I can’t disagree,
but I had to hide your deeds, although for freedom I had to plea.

On the day of my cousin’s wed, you made me feel alone,
Your words, shown that when I tried to have fun, you would angrily groan. 
No weapon on this earth can compare how I felt
when you shooed me away like a pest, my face was wet and I knelt.
I went into the car, hearing the click of my seatbelt
cannot stop reliving the pain that I have dealt. 
Every living day, it seems to get worse
I have to deal with your words with your scarce remorse.
So if you are reading this, I want to to hear
that if you want to be my friend, you have to act like my family with love, not fear.

Jade Ambrose


13 years old

More by Jade Ambrose

  • Dolls

    Dolls, who you dress up in pink and white, 

    dolls, who you take to the park or on a flight, 

    dolls, who are made of plastic and cloth, 

    they are always so girly, never unique or even goth.

  • My World

    My world, was full of happiness and bright

    my world, comforting from daylight to night.

    my world, seeing animals ripping people into bloody tears,

    I know now that they shouldn't be my biggest fears.


  • Perfect

    Perfect, as golden long hair and light blue eyes
    perfect, as a light complexion, as she is as graceful as a bird flies.
    perfect, as cute as a doll.
    But this, may not be perfect for some at all.