This Kind of Love

I'm deeply, truly, purely 


It cannot be described. Not exactly. But it feels like this. 

It's as if all my life, I've been down somewhere dark, somewhere which I had grown accustomed. 

Only to now be lifted up 

I don't have to look behind my shoulder obsessively, making sure I have somebody.

I know that somebody's there for me now.

There are different kinds of love,

The kind you have for your family, the deepest gratitude and content,

The kind you have for your friends, true ones who will always know when you lend their shoulder for you to cry on,

And now there's this kind of love

I wish I could feel it forever,

But I feel it now, in a small wave, a smile, and your stare that I can feel when my back is turned.

I only hope when it ends someday that I can remember exactly how it felt.



14 years old

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