Little Girl

 My little girl's body ran after wild animals, not caring about if I had to look cool or if I got all sweaty. Now I check my hair before going out and make sure I spray my perfume too many times to hide the smell of sweat or odor. My little mind would draw pictures and hand them to Mom to hang on the fridge. The pictures piled and piled till graded assignments and report cards replaced them. Where has my toothy smile gone why is there this small lip curl to replace it? Little me wanted to dance to the radio on the way to school even if I didn't know the song. Now the artist I relate to blasts through my Airpods day in and day out. From saying hello to strangers to avoiding even people I know. How much more will I have to spend on the right clothes and shoes to fit in? What about my bright pink skirt and stained-filled blue sweatshirt and sparkly purple shoes? I've changed into this whole new person who hides my little girl's imagination and thoughts away. Where can I find my little girl self she is what I wanna be.

Posted in response to the challenge Grown.



13 years old

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