oh god how is november almost over

on november first we said

ohgodit'snovemberalreadywheredidallthetimego taking

up all the time in the world with our breath.

on november fifth we said

ohgodpleaseprotectushavemercyonoursins praying

for more time but the world had empty pockets.

on november seventh we said

ohgodhowarewelivinginthesetimes trying

to help the world find a solution in our timed heartbeats.

on november thirteenth we said

ohgodhowisitwednesdayhowarewestillhere wishing

that the numbers on the clock would give us not just the time.

on november sixteenth we said

ohgodjusttelluswhenwewillbefree wanting

to know when we would have more time.

on november thirtieth we will say

ohgodhowisnovemberalmostover realizing

the time has gone without us really noticing at all.

Posted in response to the challenge Post-Election.



11 years old

More by OverTheRainbow

  • 8:46

    there are all the things I could do with three minutes alone in my room

    I have an essay to write and Hebrew to study

    I have things to look up and notifications to check

  • November 6th

    This morning I woke up at six am. The country was bleeding pomegranate red and I, so sure we'd be drinking in a giddy paradise blue, stared blankly for minutes if not hours at the flashing computer screen.