Perilous Future

I can’t remember 

A time 

When we had the bliss 

Of youth 


A time 

When the adolescent generation 

Wasn't faced 

With such a perilous future 

They expect us to succeed 

But they’ve set us up for failure 

How can we thrive 

In a world 

Where tensions rise 

Where World War III is a concern 

Where your opinion is so harshly judged 

You can’t speak freely anymore 


How can the adolescent generation 

Be expected 

To save the human race 

When all we’ve ever known 

Is how to harm it? 



13 years old

More by Lulu_D

  • We Pretended

    As the days got darker

    And the sun stopped shining

    We became closer


    As the clouds became grayer

    And the rain started falling

    We pretended

  • Gone

    Inspired By My Book Series

    My hands are shaking

    My mind is racing

    And my heart is torn in two

    I don’t know how

    To live without you


  • Strife

    Inspired By My Own Book Series

    She picks up her pen and paper 

    Telling the story of her life 

    She hopes one day they’ll listen