PLain sight

si tu veux me trouver, regarde 
dans les endroits tu peux pas
 Voir, walking the tangle of crossroads 
Nothing is ever as it seems
The sky is only so blue
I woke up today, for you

I’ve had to be my home, 
A shelter from the debilitating storms
There are words I wish I
Could say but it’s so hard
Dernière chance pour un dernière chance 
Can you tell if I’m lying?

I’ve never been to heaven, but
Some say it’s a place nearby
My head hasn’t been quite right
Ever since this glass world shattered
I've always stuck to my side
 of the road Always stayed in
the right lane I’ve always gone 
with the direction of the wind
It’s just easier that way
I’ve always let myself bleed in
 order to keep you from pain 
I’ll happily bring you flowers, dear

If it’ll hide my flooding hurt
It’s the sky and nothing more
The fear we don’t face today
Will become our limits tomorrow
Je prendrai mes distances si cela 
Signifie qu’il est plus facile de 

dire Au revoir, je t'aime 
Music does not distract me, but
It keeps me from hearing you
If you can’t find me, it’s
Because I’m hiding in plain sight
Regarde ou tu ne peux pas voir




18 years old

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