A Silent Song

Tell me you love me, that you will never let me go 

Treat me like you’ve found me after I was lost in the snow 

Put me on a pedestal like we are in a show 


But take care of me like you would if you scratched your knee 


Listen to my voice like a song, as if nothing is wrong, and this wait wasn’t so long 


If I had spoken up, would it have given me luck to be yours, or am I not that person you adore? 


I don’t know how long I can go before I overflow, like a sea of emotions to hard too hold in, almost like this is all a sin and I find out what happens when I tell the devil 

“You win.”


If I lose all hope, maybe you’ll know what to say when I’m finally away, but by then I’ll be too far gone, and I’m already stray.



13 years old

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