The Snow Falls

No school today,

For the first time since December

It's been five months,

Almost half a year,

Yet the snow falls,

We ripped March off the calendar

Yet the snow falls,

The snow melted in February,

Yet the snow falls,

About 10 inches, I would say

Global warming took our winter

Now its cold that takes our spring

And I wished that I skied more

But now I'm past that dream,

Most people are,

They just want spring

Yet the snow falls,

Covering everything

Posted in response to the challenge Spring '24: Writing Contest.



15 years old

More by bumblebea

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    Today I've walked around school in a haze

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    How to feel 

    I don't understand

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  • Halloween

    I miss Halloween

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    But I did

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    And stuffing my face with candy

    I miss meticulously planning out a costume

  • The Season of Death

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