The snow comes down in big flakes
Wet, but puffy
Pleasing and cold
Landing on my nose
My cheeks
My eyelashes.
It is officially winter.
The giddiness that comes with the first snowfall
Of dancing around in circles yelling "SNOWWW!" and scaring your teachers
Of hats and gloves and winter coats and boots and snowy doormats
Desperate penguin huddles on the playground in an attempt to preserve heat
"I'm cold!"s and "Brr!"s and "Let's build a snowman!"s.
December marks the start of many things;
Trimester 2 (more schoolwork, yuck)
Concerts (yay)
Performances (scary)
Holiday music (which I'm tired of already)
And snow.
The cold
Frigid and freezing and beautiful
Blanketing everything in a carpet of serenity.
A peaceful calm
But I feel tension hovering behind the beauty.
I feel suspense
Waiting for the blizzards
Or perhaps the sun, melting off the white
Anything that could ruin the perfect canvas of silent,
Behold: The power of the first snowfall.
This captures the stages of emotion in winter so well: the elation of that first snowfall, the peacefulness of the silent, blanketed streets, the anticipation of both the holidays, etc., and the darker parts of the season as well -- the incapacitating storms and the drudgery of the sludge that follows that eventually "ruins the perfect canvas," as you say. I loved the imagery of the "desperate penguin huddles," too. Ahhh!
Thank you! :)
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