Time Stands Still

In my heart, I'll turn back the time. 
I'll see you again, but not in my dreams 
I'll relive each moment when I wished for more
But will something change this time?

Do you still remember who I am? 
Are my words still framed on your wall? 
Are they still a part of you that you cherish? 

I know we won't meet again, 
But I wish we could.

It's been three years, 
And every day I remember the times we shared. 
And I regret the moment when I didn't say goodbye, 
The shame pulls me down, 
Because I know I don't have a second chance this time. 



14 years old

More by meandpaul

  • Darkness

    Standing in the streets, 
    The darkness of the city lights 
    Washes over you. 

    The joy of the summer fades, 
    The sorrow of the fall is a current feeling. 

  • NYC

    The streets were bright and alive, much larger than in previous months. The air, was filled with so much heat you could practically see it.