A piece of my past
"After time passes it'll hurt less"
But it never did
"Just forget it, it was so long ago"
But you told me always to remember
And each and every day
A little reminder in my eyes -
I'll miss you
I'll miss you
I'll miss you every time I hear that song
And every time I feel the need to tell someone something
That I know they don't need to hear
I'll miss you every fall
And every winter -
What Happens?
What happens when we all lose hope?
When we stop believing that it'll all work out?
What happens then? -
Am I just different?
What does it mean to be different?
What does it mean to stand out, to not be like the rest?
In this day and age what is different? -
Growing Up
When I was born I was promised the world
But I was born into a world
Where my parents grew up to only survive
Where family to my mom was merely blood
But to my father was more than life
Every Single One
The sky is not falling
Chicken Little went home
I wish this corrupted land was not my home
The politicians flew too close to the sun
I have now learned how a cheeto can run
The sky is falling
Los Angeles Wildfires
I watched news report after news report
broadcasting the devastation of
the Los Angeles wildfires
on national television.
There was a sense of
like there was nothing
My Coming Out Story
Growing up when I was younger, I was raised in a very homophobic, transphobic family. I was taught that being anywhere on the LGBTQ spectrum was evil and would send you to hell.
Sometimes We Stay Outside
Sometimes we stay outside
on your front steps.
It’s peaceful there.
There are no cars
or stomping feet.
There are no dishes