


14 years old


  • Willow

    This is an empty house, 
    A house that's lost its soul. 
    The laughter and joy that once echoed through it, 
    Faded away with time and age. 

  • Seasons

    Summer is going fast, 
    As the nights grow colder. 

    Summer came and went, 
    And took with it that feeling. 

    Fall brings sorrow, 
    It reminds you that time doesn't stop. 

  • Darkness

    Standing in the streets, 
    The darkness of the city lights 
    Washes over you. 

    The joy of the summer fades, 
    The sorrow of the fall is a current feeling. 

  • NYC

    The streets were bright and alive, much larger than in previous months. The air, was filled with so much heat you could practically see it.

  • I Never Will

    I still dream about that year. 
    I still can remember everything there: 
    The sight, sound, smell, everything. 

    With every year that goes past, 
    I hold the memories closer and closer to my heart. 


  • The Season of Death

    Death reaches his hands

    Shrivels leaves

    Rips them up

    Soon the ghosts and ghouls will scream

    They've waited all year for Halloween

     But this death is not a scary thought

    In fact it's comforting