
Frankly, the multiverse and space and galaxies freak me out.

But in a good way.

I think it's fascinating, but the category is just so huge and so impossible to compute.

It's crazy.

And writing is about perspective, and creativity, and everything, and I like writing about the small stuff, like that one blueberry you didn't eat at lunch, or that leaf blowing in the wind, or that crayon your little brother almost ate. Because writing about the small stuff really puts it in perspective, and it makes it seem bigger, and more important, when really it's tiny.

Microscopic, even.

So, giant stars? Galaxies beyond the Milky Way? Parallel universes? The multiverse? Alternate dimensions? It's insane, to me, just how tiny we are.

When you really think about it.

Why does this little blurb post titled "Universe(s)" matter? Why do I bother writing it, when there are black holes and Voyagers and Mars rovers and other planets and universes, and don't even get me started on the space/time continuum?

The answer is that it doesn't really matter.

And that makes all the difference.

There is beauty in insignificance.

There's the Block Universe Theory, which relates to time and space and is crazy because it's basically stating that past, present, and future all exist in different variations of now, which, not gonna lie, scares me a little.

Okay, a lot.

And there's vacuum decay. I don't know if you've heard of it - but it's this idea that our universe could just...erase itself.

Hit Control-Z.

Just delete itself. Wipe itself out.

No warning.

Just a split second and then there's nothing.

N. O. T. H. I. N. G.

Just what was

The past

Floating around

In in-between not-existence.

Which makes no sense, so don't think about it too hard because it will give you a serious headache.

All the space stuff fascinates me because it's kind of everything I love about writing in one place.

Feeling tiny, but gigantic at the same time.

Does that make any sense?

It feels kind of empowering.

Kind of inspiring.

Well, it does before your brain starts waaaaaaay overcomplicating it, and then you start questioning everything, like why cows moo, which is actually a pretty valid wondering, so none of us are crazy.

So, yeah.

I don't know a lot about the multiverse.

I'm not a scientist.

I don't know.

But I think anything is entirely possible if you look at it a certain way.

Posted in response to the challenge Multiverse.



13 years old

More by QueenBee

  • Yin and Yang

    And then there were two, 

    Sitting on a bench by the bus stop.



    Two kids - teenagers - then young adults.

    On different sides of the same story.

    One representing tails

  • Growing Pains

    Growing up isn't something you enjoy

    Unless you're, like,


    And the world is still golden,

    And you can't see

    The hourglass

    And the grains of sand

