Unknown feelings

I can't describe this feeling 

It's one I've never known

But I know that it feels bad

And I can feel it in my bones


It's a distinct emptiness 

But not a hole or void

This feeling just is

Now it's making me annoyed 


Confusion is familiar 

Same as joy and grief

But this lacks all I understand 

I feel like a falling leaf


The missing piece 

I now see was a rope

But my hands are unbound 

I feel some future hope


I feel free.



15 years old

More by Bee.Lover

  • New girl

    A faint fog falls

    Over my tired eyes

    It's the same that covered them before

    Yet still a part of me dies


    Our gaze connects,

    For only just a moment 

    My heart skips a beat

  • Hey, stranger

    I catch glimpses of him in mirrors

    That strange boy

    He's so shy, but he's so loving 

    Yet most treat him like a toy


    He wanders the empty streets alone

    No one can see him

    He is there

  • Walking

    You called this my "sulk walk"

    You said just to talk to you when I'm upset

    But I don't have you anymore 

    I don't have anyone here


    I blocked her out so she won't get burned by my fire