
Our last presidential election was four years ago. I remember clearly what happened on the morning when the winner was announced. I was 10 years old, but I already knew how much was at stake. I had gone to bed confident that our 45th president would be Hillary Clinton; not my top choice, but still better than the other option. I was shocked when she lost the election. 

And I’m still shocked. I genuinely don’t understand why so many people voted for someone as ignorant as our president, and I don’t understand why they continue to support him. He is blatantly racist, xenophobic, sexist, and anti-LGBTQ+. The leader of a country is supposed to spark positive change and fight for everyone’s equality. They are supposed to make the voices heard of people who are often ignored. They are supposed to be aware of marginalized communities, and treat them with respect and dignity.

Trump has done none of these things. He implements ideas that are beneficial only to the 1% of Americans who have money and privilege. 

This year, a year full of catastrophic events, has put his ability to lead a nation to test. If you ask me, he has failed. More than 200,000 people have died of COVID-19, but “it is what it is?” Wildfires are raging on the West Coast, but “it’ll get cooler?” George Floyd is one of many people of color who have died at the hands of the police force during Trump’s presidency, but Trump has “done more for the Black community than any president since Abraham Lincoln?” 

No. Joe Biden is far from a perfect candidate, but he is better than that. He believes in science. He believes in women’s rights, the Black Lives Matter movement, and affordable health care for all. We need him to be our country’s leader. 

I can’t vote. So if YOU can, please do. If you don’t feel the need to do it for yourself, do it for people whose lives are at risk in this election. Do it for future generations who need a better world to live in. It is more important now than ever before.

Cecilia Luce


18 years old

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