You, the stars, and I

I lost you when the sky fell, I still love you in the mornings...
when I let my mind wander to the way you held me and the way you held all the stars in your eyes...
As if I belonged to you, as if all the stars in the sky were yours to keep forever, which I suppose they were...
And when the first shooting star glimmered, it reflected in your eyes, in those eyes, a window into the scattered constellations 
of your heart...
But I am still waiting for the day I can see you again, every second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year feels like an eternity without you...
I still love you in the mornings, still think about the way you held me and the stars
I belonged to you, the stars and I 
Your eyes reflected first light, the only light I ever want to see
Time is frozen without you

@Amelia_v @star @elise.writer @EvieC



18 years old

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