The Fight

Sadness consumes me like the sunlight does the darkness 
It looks so beautiful and tempting but the second you let it grab hold of you 
It consumes you 
Sadness preys on me like a monster that looks and acts friendly
The kind that waits under a child's bed for the child to fall asleep so it can soon take the helpless 
When I sleep
I meet the monster in my dreams
I touch it 
I talk to it 
And I beg it to leave me alone but it doesn't because now it's part of me 
I wonder what the point of fighting it is if I can be torn apart by my own mind with no warning 
It feels like a violin sounds 
Sad but beautiful at the same time 
The more you listen
The more you hear: 
The fear 
The heartbreak
And the screams being hidden by its natural beauty  
The screams are the saddest part of it all 
Because it’s the screams of all the people that have already been consumed  
I won't let it consume me 
But I'll admit it can be tempting 
It looks so welcoming 
It starts feeling warmer and warmer 
But little did I know  
It's poisoning me through its warmth 
And when the mask that was once so friendly and welcoming gets taken off the truth comes out and you wish you could run 
But you can't because the poison has been killing you 
It's ruined you  
All you can do is hope that someone will find you before it's fully consumed you 
But unfortunately most of the time
No one even knew you were taken 
They couldn't hear your screams 
They couldn't see your pain 
But I do 
I hear you 
And I see you
And I wish I could help you
But I'm fighting my own monster of sadness and its poison has done to me what it's doing to you 
Just keep fighting 
Because one day the monster will die 
And the poison will wear off 
And if it comes back
​You'll be able to see through the mask this time 
Fight with everything you have 
Because someday
There will be real warmth
No mask 
No monster 
No tricks 
So fight
Because we deserve to be taken out of the cold  



YWP Alumni

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