


YWP Alumni


  • Please Don't Compliment Me

    It’s been a long time since I’ve decided to write 
    There’s a new monster roaming my head
    Coloring all the others in fear with its fierce wails to be heard and forceful puppetry 
    They’ve always been here 
  • Writing Is All I Have

    Sometimes life gives you more than you can handle 
    Sometimes you can't figure out what to do with all the pain you feel because you know the right thing will hurt more 
  • Waiting

    Sometimes it's really hard to breath 
    In fact it's hard right now 
    My eyes are filling with what feels like fresh bathwater and my chest is tight and feels like it's on fire 
  • Hot

    Anger fuels me in an indescribable way 
    It makes me feel like I can't think about anything else
    Anger fuels me in ways that make me lose control 
    It's gotten worse and worse the more I ignore it 
  • The Fight

    Sadness consumes me like the sunlight does the darkness 
    It looks so beautiful and tempting but the second you let it grab hold of you 
    It consumes you 
    Sadness preys on me like a monster that looks and acts friendly