When the bluebirds sing

When the bluebirds sing

The grass is finally green

When the bluebirds sing

The children run and scream 

When the bluebirds sing

The bears no longer hibernate 

When the bluebirds sing

The gardeners awake

When the bluebirds sing

People walk barefoot

When the bluebirds sing

Springtime has finally come



14 years old

More by bumblebea

  • stop. drop. roll.


    stop running.

    stop worrying.

    stop everything.


    drop to the ground.

    drop your possessions.

    drop everything.


    roll anyway from the fire.

    roll away from your fears.

  • Totality


    This sun is mostly full, though there is a slight nibble out the side



    A bigger bite, almost Pacman shaped



    Looks like a crescent moon, but it's actually the opposite

  • The Snow Falls

    No school today,

    For the first time since December

    It's been five months,

    Almost half a year,

    Yet the snow falls,

    We ripped March off the calendar

    Yet the snow falls,

    The snow melted in February,