The screen stares back at me:
9:30 pm,
an unfinished assignment,
a deadline due.
My weary chest heaves a heavy breath.
"Don't wait for permission to do something creative." - Ava DuVernay
Oh, look at the leaves.
Look at how they fly.
Look at how they circle,
Freckling the sky.
Listening to Wind
It is September, yet
I can still hear the beach.
The sea moves and swells;
it tumbles to the shore,
dusts itself off,
I think my parents deserve to be happy.
They deserve to laugh and sit on the floor and coo over babies.
They deserve to talk in a language I don’t understand.
They deserve to look at each other with love.
it's cold
the mornings freeze our words to our lips as we pore
over homework, plastic boxes of brightly dyed sugar cereal
waiting for february. it's gray
we haven't gone out for recess in forever, summer sun