


16 years old


  • Switch

    This poem was inspired by the outsiders


    Gingerly we walk, 

    This area is dangerous

    We just don’t know this

    Men, staggering, swaying and unsteady

    Scared, I’m scared

    Gotta get out
  • A Cats Dream

    I’m jumping through the streets like a spring! All the other cats in the window look at me as a god. I slink around the fish stand like a mouse and jump up and take a fish. Yum! So good. Suddenly I’m in a jungle!
  • Contaminated

    It’s been a struggle
    Turning on the tap
    50-gallon barrels of water cost a lot
    The price is going up next month
    Water gushed into the barrel
    We know the problem is much bigger
    Windmill water isn’t safe anyway