I just stare out the car window
i just stare out the car window
let the breeze tangle my short brown hair
inhale that ocean wind
it means i'm seeing my friend again
who knows me like no one else
rolls her eyes at my boy troubles
I’m afraid
I’m afraid that I’ll lose my friends,
And I don’t mean that in a literal way,
More like my voice fades into the background,
My best friend no longer calls me bestie.
I’m afraid I’m not interesting anymore,
Brownie girl
I made brownies and carefully placed choco chips on the top,
I carved your name in the raw top,
maybe I can grant your wish and be yours,
perhaps I can wish you over with sweets.
I will be unafraid of my future because I'll grow into who I want to be.
I will know I can do things I never thought of because I got through high school.
5 Resolutions for 2025:
broken heart
You resurrected me just to
rip my heart out and
smash it to pieces
No one was surprised it was made of glass
I could see my reflection in my
lifeless heart as we
stood over it-
broken, distorted by the
You are the sun
So beautiful it hurts to look at you
You’re my only one
You’re the sun
Lighting up the dark planet of my heart
You are the only one
Every feature of your face a work of art