Rubber Soul

Rubber Soul


YWP Alumni


  • mundane

    for this i would pour my time out from my pencil til i was gone
    short of age
    to admit to dreaming myself carved deep into the dips where your elbows rest 
    to quake to the humanity of the mundane-
  • keeper

    I hope the earth craves the soles of my feet in the same love 
    the shards of my stillness could use to halo you in the raw day
    Casting myself 
    briefly understood by the spaces carved by body and language-
  • Sighs

    I sigh for you when you look away
    As if I wasn’t the one who set a fire to my mouth
    In case you turned to kiss me- 
    As if I wasn’t the one who offered to be your creation
    Or to be your equal 
  • You say that you're ugly-

    You say that you're ugly-
    But have you ever seen yourself in a moment of happiness,
    Instead of a dissatisfied one in front of a mirror?
    Would you glare at someone
    The same way you glare at your reflection?
  • Mea Culpas

     The man gazes out and past the extensive glass window that shows off to him an endless sliver of outer space, daydreaming about Earth while fermenting away in the multi-trillion dollar New Old-World resort -no, priso