Young Writers Project

Blue hued mountains and tan turned tree tops by Danyliej

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of teen writers & artists

The Daily Read

  • Poetry

    By A.R

    Strangers in the Night

    I often sit under the moonlight and listen to what the night has to offer; 

    Sometimes it offers more than you think. 

    I listen to the soft rustling of the leaves, 

  • first kiss

    we weren't even close to fairy tales. but

    your hands clasped in mine felt like satiny silk

    on a wedding dress made for

    this warmth that pricks my heart full of

    blood and oxygen that tastes of you



  • Visual Art



    Use paint, colored pencils, crayons, or oil pastels – anything with an intensity of color – to create an image in a monochromatic tone. How much emotion can you imbue through one set of colors?

  • Writing



    In poetry or prose, write from the perspective of your worst enemy – real or imagined. Does it turn out they actually have a rich backstory? Are they deserving of a level of empathy, do you think?

  • Writing


    Time Traveler

    Write a short story or poem about a time traveler or time travelers. Where and when are they going? Where and when are they coming from? What are they going to do when they get there? Try to include as many historical/futuristic details as possible! 


  • Writing


    Autumn '24: Writing

    Autumn is a season of transitions and contrasts, beginnings and endings. In poetry or prose, fiction or nonfiction, make this ephemeral season come to life.

  • Visual Art


    Autumn '24: Visual Art

    Illustrate autumn as you see it – in the artistic medium of your choice. Consider a traditional aspect or try an abstract interpretation.  

  • Writing

    Election '24

    What do you want the next President of the United States to focus on, fix, change? Write to one or both major party candidates in the Nov. 5, 2024 presidential election with your appeal.

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