Young Writers Project

More Pink Tipped Clouds by Coco

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The Daily Read

  • Brownie girl

    I made brownies and carefully placed choco chips on the top,

    I carved your name in the raw top,

    maybe I can grant your wish and be yours, 

    perhaps I can wish you over with sweets. 

  • Coffee Runs

    When I was a kid, I had a near perfect childhood. I had friends on the same street as me, and we rode our bikes around the neighborhood playing cops and robbers.

  • Music

    Growing up, music was always a constant. 

    Then, it meant very little to me.

    It was only background noise, but always there. 




  • Visual Art



    Illustrate or photograph your idea of a cozy nook: a place you might sit with a book and a mug of hot chocolate.

  • Writing



    Reimagine the opening of Pandora’s box through a new lens: a hurricane of intense emotions, positive or negative, that you finally allow yourself to feel. Do they take on a shape, a presence, a character of their own?

  • Writing


    Deus Ex Machina

    A “deus ex machina” is a literary device defined as “a person or thing that appears or is introduced suddenly and unexpectedly and provides a contrived solution to an insoluble difficulty.” Write a short story that includes a deus ex machina.


  • Writing


    How do you think the founding fathers would view the nation today? How do you view it?

  • Visual Art

    Claude Monet

    How did the Impressionist movement get its name? It started with this painting by Claude Monet and an art critic's insult.

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