


15 years old


  • coexistence

    aqua waters, lush green forests, city lights aglow

    i feel like a little kid, wide eyes, wide smile

    world’s too big to wrap my mind around just yet, and

    the distance across the lake seems infinite

  • breakdown

    i’ve been dancing alone a little too long

    my resilience corroding with each blink

    i haven’t broken down like this since

    well i don’t expect myself to remember

    the stars were the elation

  • Jasmine + Azalea

    Our lips are made of daisies
    and our cheeks are strewn in roses,
    pressed to opaque lilac air,
    knotted fingertips brushing
    blooming beams of naked feuillage,
    buds drafted in sunlight, welded
    in his blurry hands
  • Slow days

    When the sun never sleeps
    and the days are sweet and long,
    I lay my body down in the river.
    I open my eyes underwater
    and see the stained-glass sky,
    fragmented by ripples
    and bubbles slipped from my throat.