


15 years old


  • Reasoning

    Why do you give them false reasons to believe you, 

    When we all know what you did?

    Why want a war, the end to so many lives?

    For what?

    Land you don't need?
  • Music

    I won't sing my favorite song for you,
    oh that dear, you'll never know.
    The red blush on my cheeks drips off,
    like powdered sugar in the rain. 
    I forget my problems,
    like you.
    and I listen, 
    for a call to something,
  • midnight intuition

    People are careless when they're asleep, that is unless you wake them up,
    said you were dreaming when you were walking in there,
    singing yourself to sleepwalk
    They never care that you didn't mean it,
  • Ocean artist

    She glides with the waves,
    particles of lost things passing by.
    she never wonders if those were the lives she could have lived,
    loves she could have loved.
    plastering toxic things to creatures and never regretting,