


15 years old


  • The Man in the Moon

    She grabs my small hand, and gives it a squeeze. We stare at the sky, the stars, and the moon. She is crying, the one holding my hand. She is crying silently, the worst kind of crying. She looks down at me, her eyes shining with tears.
  • Still Here

    I lay awake
    expecting you
    to float in
    with your bubbly grin
    but nothing comes
    you are gone
    or so they say
    the idea
    makes me want
    to crumble to pieces
    I fall into sadness
    a deep eternity
    of darkness and hurt
  • Rose

    a rose
    the sign of love
    the most
    knowable flower

    a rose
    tricking the eye
    to believe she is
    and kind

    a rose
    her blood red color
    is a sign
    but it is ignored

    a rose
  • Rain in Winter

    leaves fall in autumn
    snow falls in winter
    rain falls in spring
    and the sun brightens the summer

    but now
    on a simple
    perfect winter day
    I see rain

    each droplet
    punctures the frosty snow
    a bullet, a shot
  • Wind

    The clouds roll in
    the last rays
    of sunlight 
    try to fight
    but it is impossible

    I quicken my pace
    rain pours down
    from the harsh sky
    if the wind
    was to my back
    I would have an easier time