


17 years old


  • By Geri

    Crusty Child

    Crusty child, 
    rub your dry eyes, 
    flap your birdlike limbs, 
    stare with an open mouth. 

    Are you hungry? 
    Are you sad? 
    Are you tired of being a crusty child? 
  • By Geri


    And it was at that time…poetry arrived. 
    Or rather, 
    I fell into it. 
    Idly turning pages, 
    lips mindlessly mouthing words, 
    transcribing sounds into sentences. 
    From mud it called me. 
  • By Geri

    If I Was to Travel Back in Time

    I’d see a few things: 

    The sweet girl my father claims I used to be. 
    The daughter who adored her dad, 
    making guitar sounds as a way of insisting 
    he play his favorite musician 
  • By Geri

    My Head Underground

    Is it wrong for me to ask so much of the world? To ask it to be happy, healthy, and kind? My concern is innately selfish, since my own well being depends on its state of mind.  
