Tiger Stripes
When my hair begins to grey, I will rejoice.
My crow’s feet will race farther than my aging joints could ever take me.
They will run down my cheek and jaw to meet my laugh lines,
This Midnight Feels Different
This feels like the countdown to doomsday.
...Proposing all branches be put under presidential control...
A Thousand Sons
When the sons come for me, do not say you are surprised,
For I have taken a vow of pain
Hand flat-placed, an oath, a promise
To fight with pen and soliloquy.
For what is anguish?
The Epitaph
It was the night when the battle turned.
The speaker sat back
There was gas in their eyes and hatred,
Blackened like needles,
Though dirty still,
And twice as sharp,
When They Cry
When my father cries, he sticks his lip out like a kid, his jaw shaking, his eyes red.
He cries when a truth is told:
Someone’s leaving, the end is near, or a fault is exposed,
The You That You Are
I love the you that you are when you are alone,
The you that you are when you’re at home,
When you look with soft eyes at the cat,
The you that you are when you step onto the doormat.
a letter to congress
i will kneel on broken glass as
my blood stains the pearly sheen so that
you will see i've resorted to my last option: begging
before you (as a woman should be) to rip
the cloth around your eyes away and
This Midnight Feels Different
This feels like the countdown to doomsday.
...Proposing all branches be put under presidential control...
The Heart of a Table
The ancient wooden table.
The dining room table my family gathered at tonight to enjoy a meal together.
But before my first bite of chicken reaches my mouth, I hear my mom tell my dad: