


18 years old


  • strange dream

    Strange dream
    swallowed by the desire
    that pushes its way up my throat
    and out of my mouth pours my cracked
    raspy voice
    calling to the ends of the world
    with a tune the rest of society has forgotten
    the beat of a heart
  • bittersweet

    like the chocolate i try to drown myself in
    dreading the day i have to tell you
    but yearning for it at the same time
    for so long
    i have been a prisoner
    of these feelings 
    trapped beneath a smile
  • falling.

    i run 
    and jump
    wishing i could fly 
    but falling 
    i find i can't
    the feather's i wish for 
    elude my grasp
    the wings i so desperately yearn to alight on
    never swoosh from my sides
  • perfect morning

    sun trickles through the open window
    like ice cream on a hot summer day
    warming my lazy eyelids
    and welcoming my blurry vision to the world of light
    as i sit up, the sheets tangled around my legs
  • fear to speak

    swimming in a sea 
    of alternate realities
    and faded polaroids in a shoebox
    buried beneath my smiles
    as i reach out for something that's not there
    yearning to be found 
    but crashing down again