


18 years old


  • Pre Paved Road

    through the many folds of paper 
    faded and worn from the fingers of time 
    stained with the sticky red syrup 
    of bloodshed unjustified 
    lost among the many perspectives
    scattered across the globe
  • perseverance.

    though your feet may tire
    and your back may ache
    though your vision may falter
    and your muscles may quake
    you must keep going
    till the sun is in view 
    you must keep going
    the dawn you must pursue
  • hi

    two letters
    one word
    all it took
    was one kind look
    and i found
    that friendship 
    is maybe not so bad
    when you said
    to the small kid
    in the dark hoodie
    in the corner 
    scared of being bullied
  • We Are Human.

    with the words that spill from lips of blue
    faded things
    and memories
    oak trees and summer sun on backs on winding road
    as night and day come and go
    mixing spinning 
    melding into one big beautiful mess that is you
  • rainbow.

    i used to see pink
    when i looked in the mirror
    wrapped around me
    it was who i was 
    even though 
    i felt in no way 
    when i look in the relflective surface
    hanging on the bathroom wall