


14 years old


  • A Determination to Grow

    Little berries lie in front of me,

    The seeds still clinging to the vine,

    The red still darkening to black.

    They greedily soak up the sun,

    Their cloroplasts begging for the light,

    Their leaves fanning open.
  • Overlapping theories

    My eyes study my drawing,
    Laying simply on the white paper in front of me,
    Pouring over the intersecting lines,
    Connecting corners,
    And overlapping connections.
    Each line is only a representative,
  • A Story Whirls Into View

    My feet spin my bike pedals,
    Pushing me along the trail
    As stories invade my focus.
    My mind swirls,
    Colors whirl,
    As ideas emerge from the flurry.
    Names fill my head,
    Plots come into view,
    Places teleport into my thoughts.
  • A Capability of Beauty

    The warm, salty waves wash away,
    Swirling patterns in the sand,
    Sending crabs and clams
    Burrowing into the rock grains.
    The waves churn the sand,
    Uncovering, leaving behind,
    Delivering small,
    Delicate treasures:
  • A Glowing Aura of Relaxation

    The sun dips behind the mountains,
    Only some of the light shines,
    A peachy aura emerging.
    The whispy clouds hover gracefully,
    Letting themselves drift with the wind,
    The peace settling into the mist,
    Refracting the glow,
