The Orchestra of Fall
Autumn leaves flutter around my head,
The color popping in the chilly,
Swirling air.
The veins stretch out,
Delicate within the leaves.
They connect,
A Pathway of Hope
Bits of sunshine peep through tree branches,
The rays cascading over the glimmering water.
The reflected light forms a pathway,
A trail towards the sun.
Complex Ridiculousness
Thoughts and ideas twirl,
Merging storylines,
Squashing facts,
Manipulating personalities,
Melding stories together.
Little pockets of reality spin
Galleries of Mantras
Everyone has their own religion,
Something they can look upon.
It could be a motto,
A quote or a book.
There are widely known religions,
With belief filled books.
But even then, -
A Spark of Worth
Little orange mushrooms sprout,
The ruffle running along a crack
In the dark wooded log.
The rain is constant,
Drizzling across the lake,
Fogging the air,
Settling gloom into everything. -
Organized Yet Abstract
A streak of gray rushes to the sky,
Soaring and arching,
Up, up, up.
A thin line of smoke is left behind,
A trail of the firework's journey.
It begins to ark,
The parabola beginning to be graphed,
A Broken Mirror
It was a moment, as fleeting as the click of a heel on wood.
It was like looking in a mirror. If the mirror was distorted and cruel in nature.
Thump Thump
Thump thump
You see nothing
through your stale pride
Your black and white lenses
Your punishments and rewards
Your fake smiles and deceit
Thu thump
It lives in cupped hands
Around sorry ears,
Behind closed mouths shut up tight,
A wrench in the steel factory gears.
A hidden prism refracting light,
Shining through the cracks in firmly pressed fingers.
lunch table thoughts II
i was the first to the lunch table today,
i usually am the first.
but when no one came,
i was dumbfounded.
where is everyone??
i thought,
aimlessly looking around at everyone who found their group.