I Know I Will Live (on to 18)
The kitchen will be used.
The pantry will be emptied
and then promptly refilled.
My pillow will be creased,
and my sheets will be wrinkled. -
A Wishful Conversation:
He said he still believes in God.
and I asked, “What for, after all God has taken from us?”
and he said, “I am lucky to even have anything at all.” -
I was born a star and raised to be dark matter.
Love the black holes from which I am close.
Glitched and out of touch, expansive dust.
Vastness and void of life, of a tender body.
Orbiting the world like the infinite ouroboros. -
Fall is Something of Change
My friend mentioned she was sad to see the leaves drop. She said this as if the shedding oak trees were a disgrace to her. As if their nakedness wasn’t breathtaking in the eyes of an artist.
Creating a God
I am still determining who You are. This is similar to religion.
You do not have to be bone under flesh under clothes;
You can be the questions I ask when I am the only one in the room. -
Family Totem
The gum sends down a burn to my throat,
I argue with myself if I love it or not.
Its spice is grown from lifeless pleasure,
and distaste has become a full dinner.
Is the rush to my head still worth it?
After the fifth day of November
note: partially inspired by Mary Oliver's "Wild Geese"
and for my mom
i want you to sit and stare at the glistening horizon.
The Next Step
What do I do,
as a black woman,
when they get control?
When the consequences
don't matter anymore?
When I watch my people
get bullied,
When best friends of old
become polite passersby
still give them a smile and let your heart be full
for theirs are broken too
and need to be reminded to mend.