Sawyer Fell

Sawyer Fell


18 years old


  • Creating a God

    I am still determining who You are. This is similar to religion.
    You do not have to be bone under flesh under clothes;
    You can be the questions I ask when I am the only one in the room.

  • Family Totem

    The gum sends down a burn to my throat,

    I argue with myself if I love it or not.

    Its spice is grown from lifeless pleasure,

    and distaste has become a full dinner.

    Is the rush to my head still worth it?

  • Men and Dogs

    “Men are dogs,” I say to my friend as she kneels at the foot of her bed, like a child waiting for her mother’s strong arms. Yet, I am her friend tonight, so my scrawny arms make a cheap cradle.

  • Fall is a Queen Bee

    In the crisp embrace of my russet leaf patch, 
    a Queen Bee reigns supreme, Her presence unmatched. 
    Her saintly swarm rustles me, yet I am blessed, 
    for She brings forth the chilly scent of ember rest. 
