Sawyer Fell

Sawyer Fell


19 years old



    I was born a star and raised to be dark matter.
    Love the black holes from which I am close.
    Glitched and out of touch, expansive dust.
    Vastness and void of life, of a tender body.
    Orbiting the world like the infinite ouroboros.

  • Creating a God

    I am still determining who You are. This is similar to religion.
    You do not have to be bone under flesh under clothes;
    You can be the questions I ask when I am the only one in the room.

  • Family Totem

    The gum sends down a burn to my throat,

    I argue with myself if I love it or not.

    Its spice is grown from lifeless pleasure,

    and distaste has become a full dinner.

    Is the rush to my head still worth it?
