Sawyer Fell

Sawyer Fell


18 years old


  • An Afternoon Moon

    Somewhere outside of Philadelphia,

    there is a small island in a pond shaped like a boomerang.

    When I tilt my chin to the heavens,

    I wonder which foolish god

    threw it to this barren part of earth?

  • Cowboy, Come Home

    He is a toy cowboy on a horse 

    and is dragged off into the sunset 

    while my stuffed bunny heart 

    waits in the backdrop to be held. 


    Our God is the small Girl who hides 

  • On God's God

    When You told me You believed in god

    I could not help but gawk at the thought.

    In Your eyes, we are the will of our fates,

    and I choose the word “fate” cautiously.

    I do not think Your devotion is my destiny.


  • death bed

    You push me out to sea

    With every toll life takes. 

    My wood is deteriorating 

    With thousands of years. 


    I've held village girls

    And I've held mothers. 

  • Unbecoming

    The streets have teeth and we hold our fingers with enough space for the others and drink cider on a corner where the ceiling above us blinks blue-blue-blue onto her tonsil-pink dress and someday I hope I never have to see it in a suitca

  • january to july

    in the months of darkness and cold, i never stopped writing.

    i just kept it all to myself. every night, my own religion

    pages of pen poised on paper, pouring my heart out

  • Acceptance before Change

    On September 2 of 2022, I packed three short sleeve shirts, two long sleeve shirts, and four pairs of pants into a backpack and left my house in Sharon, VT, for four months on an intensive expedition semester school: Kroka Expeditions’ L

  • My lovely ex

    I walk through the graveyard, carefully avoiding the flowers on the graves. It’s a yearly trip to keep up appearances. I hated coming here. I sigh stopping at the grave marked William Piller.