Sawyer Fell

Sawyer Fell


18 years old


  • A Funeral

    Last Thursday, a man waved white, 

    but the grass was painted with war.

    Everything he kept inside his ship

    had tipped over into the red sea.

    Today, the orchard ceiling of the church 
  • Sober for July

    Tonight, I am present with my red cup 
    filled with water. In the woods my friends 
    dance above the shooting fireworks. 
    When colors hit the sky I cringe rather 
    than look up with my mouth agape in awe. 

  • Ode to my Hair

    Thick-skinned and unruly, oh, you are the epitome of a daughter.
    Break down your well-crafted follicle walls and let me nest
    on the head built from the chemicals of Westerner's breath.
  • A Heavy Breath

    June breathes its dry heat into your mouth.
    You are filled with the lungs of summer;
    and to your lips you press April nicotine,
    wondering where March is now.

    The nightstand has a penny’s worth of dust.
