Scarry Night

Scarry Night


16 years old


  • Sky of Green

    As I lay in the grass,
    I can hear everything.
    Everything that lives,
    everything that breathes,
    everything that doesn't. 
    I stare up at the blue,
    blue sky,
    and after a while,
    I wonder.
    What if the sky 
  • We Are One

    Our world is huge.
    It holds billions of people,
    billions of lives,
    that are being lived every single second
    of every 
    We may not know it,
    but there are people
  • Amongst the Willows

    A chilly day in October,
    a brisk wind blows,
    and I linger by a small bunch of willows.

    I stare at the green and sandy yellow leaves
    cascading around the sides. 
    I marvel at the strong,
    hearty trunks. 
  • A penny a poem

    I walk by, 
    hardly even noticing the girl.
    In fact, 
    it seems as if no one truly realizes she's there. 
    She holds a large stack of papers in her hands,
    waiting for at least one to be taken.
    Her voice doesn't yell,