


18 years old


  • Complications

    This world and this life are so complicated. I only say this because i know it to be true.
    None of my teenage years have been normal, or easy. And some of these complications, ive brought on myself.
  • A list of things

    Im finding out things. 
    A list of them, 10 of them, all neatly lined up.

    1. Change is hard, it hurts, there are good parts and there are parts where you say fuck this. But there are still good parts. 
  • You and I

    Sleep is but a memory.
    It’s the tide that slips onto the shore,
    Leaving dreams washed up on the beach.
    There are daisies on my mind, a wrinkled blanket 
    Left in a field under the midday sun.
  • PLain sight

    si tu veux me trouver, regarde 
    dans les endroits tu peux pas
     Voir, walking the tangle of crossroads 
    Nothing is ever as it seems
    The sky is only so blue
    I woke up today, for you
  • people a certain kinda way

    Forgive me

    Forgive me for saying these words, forgive me
    For telling you I’m sorry
    Forgive me for not knowing very much but knowing enough
    That I can survive
    Is that not what we all do? 
  • I need you

    You asked me to talk to you more.
    to tell you what I need.
    You went and in a single hour,
    blew apart my entire world.
    So here is what I need.
    I need you to not judge me.