


18 years old


  • January 6th 20__

    January 6th
    three signifigant things happened
    stuck in my head

    The day of my brother's birthday
    He turned 14, my grandfather
    has started calling him Young Man
    no longer just Grandson
  • Know herself

    She used to never be scared
    She used to be quiet and meek and obedient
    She used to speak and be heard because
    she was only repeating what she had been told
    She used to wreathe her hair in flowers, sweet innocence for a crown
  • Never gonna forget

    I will remember these numbers forever
    and not because they're a palindrome...

    Took a few tests
    a few weeks back
    Sat on a table covered in paper and watched blood
    drain out of my body into tubes.
  • Terror is valid

    For the first time in my life I am terrified.
    Terrified for my life and the lives of others. 
    Because this is real, this is actually happening.
    Standing on the front steps before class, hearing murmurings 
  • The beauty of a word

     These are cells dividing
    Two people going their separate ways.
    Atoms exploding, this is--
    This will be--

    Welcome to your ruination--
    This is how it starts--

    The lights will flicker on and off, 
  • Bro ken P erson

    I am so tired.
    All the time.

    I have happy moments.
    Like this snow, this snow that is falling.
    That is happy.

    I left footprints in the snow.
    They looked exactly as I knew they would.
    I was not wearing socks.