


18 years old


  • Blank and blue

    This is a distant memory
    one that I thought I'd let go, a long long time back
    This is a bird that got away from me
    Not that I ever meant to capture it
    You seldom do

    She's standing there holding a painting of white flowers
  • Paper roses

    There are paper roses melting on the curb

    Their dye is running rampant over my shoes and people are looking

    like i'm the one who did it

    Because i did

    Their thorns were pricking me, bothering me
  • We Are Not Gone pt.2

    We are teenagers, this is Us

    Hear our heartbeats, breathe our air, taste our words--

    Our lives are not at all what we’re told they’ll be.

    The pictures we are in are beautiful 

    Because we make them so
  • Climate change

    There is more than just you on this earth
    And there is more than just me. 
    There is more than just us on this earth.
    There is this –
    There is sky and stars and moon and sun.
  • Colors Bleed

    Colors break

    Break open on canvas, tremble in the presence of broken wings and brilliance

    Shed tears of maroon and velvet laced dresses, scream when they are found