


17 years old


  • You Will Be Missed

    Throughout the school day
    Classes breeze by
    I read at my seat
    Already done my work
    Teachers unwilling to give me more

    I wait with baited breath
    For yours to come
    The one place
    I feel at home
    While still in school
  • Don't Take No For An Answer

    Don’t let anyone tell you
    You’re not good enugh
    We all have dreams
    Big dreams
    Little dreams
    Red dreams
    Blue dreams
    We strive to fulfill them
    Pouring every once of energy we have
    Into what we love to do
  • Just Like The Rest

    Heart pounding
    Smile widening
    Cheeks turing red
    Giggles climb up my throat
    I stare 
    You smile back
    I melt
    We talk
    We laugh
    Everyday I seek you out
    Eager to see your bright brilliant eyes
    Hear your voice
  • Holding On

    How much longer
    Can we hold on?
    Cramping down our emotions
    We refuse to free
    Bottling them up
    Refusing to acknowledge them
    Watching those we love
    Only through a screen
    I see them so they must be real
  • Ocean Language

    The ocean
    Rhythmic waves slide ashore
    Sending a light spray upon all nearby
    Little kids squeal with joy
    We take a mental photo
    When we think of the ocean
    This is what we see
  • Heavy Load

    Excitement stirs up butterflies
    Within your stomache
    Frustration catches them in nets
    Cinching their wings
    Pain withers them
    Destroying all excitement 
    Confusion questions
    Spinning around your brain