


16 years old


  • Waiting For Time

    Time is a funny thing,

    as long as the wind sings,

    it’ll quicken, shortening the song.

    When the wind silences, it’ll slow-

    and the silence is stretched out far too long-

    but Time doesn’t mind, as it dances,

  • The Stories in Lines

    In each person, there’s a story, 

    one you may or may not know, 

    but in every person, 

    there are hints of their long story, 

    such as in their beauty. 

    Around their mouth, 

  • Silly Wishes

    Late into the night,
    when things don’t seem bright,
    I wish upon a shooting star,
    though, I am quite far-
    from being a naïve child,
    who believes in silly tales.
    I allow myself to dream,
    and let my hopes stream-

  • A Dance of Chaos

    A storm is brewing in the dark sky.

    Dancing with the trees, the wind sighs,

    Always stuck in a elaborate dance,

    as beautifully intricate as a royal scheme. 

    Painting the scene in a white light, 

  • Will It?

    Will the rain wash away-

    the ash of today?

    Water reflects the land-

    that's fragile like sand.

    Do you really understand?

    Will the promise of tomorrow,

    keep the world from sorrow?

  • Time Slips Away

    The ancient moon

    has many stories to tell,

    though the sun takes the bell.

    Years feel as if they slip by

    like sand in an hourglass.

    Day turns to night, grass 
