


16 years old


  • Selene

    Late at night,
    the owls sing.
    With no light,
    there's no king

    to rule over
    the sleeping land.
    The moon goddess
    watches the land.

    High in the 
    sky, she watches.
    Quiet as a
    mouse, she is.
  • Hourglass

    At dusk,
    the birds quiet,
    and the trees
    still, like statues, 

    stars appear through
    the clouds like
    little pieces of
    silver confetti.

    The moon rises,
    casting its light
    onto the 

  • Winter <3

    When the butterflies leave for the south, 
    the cold begins to seep through, 
    when the leaves fall,
    the frost begins to cover everything in view.

    As the snow covers the ground, 
    no animal makes a sound.
  • Hidden

    As still as a statue, she
     overlooks the garden, 
    frozen in time, staring at the green hills
    that lie beyond.
    She watches the flowers bloom 
    in the spring, when nothing is gloom.
    As time passes by,
  • Nature Is Art

    Little green, red, and orange trees paint the bottom of the canvas. 

    Mountains and hillsides too, paint the bottom of the canvas.

    Rivers, ponds, and lakes, scatter across the Earth like cracks in a sculpture. 
