
Comment Commented on Posted

Keeper of the Lost Cities, Percy Jackson and the Olympian’s, Heroes of Olympus, and Spy School. They’re all funny and also I love plot twists and these series are full of them!

Tiny Write by Bookworm's Book-Nook, January 19 2024 7 months ago

A good starter could be:

She watched as the beautiful woman/man/other danced across the room, seeming to float on the air.

Tiny Write by _astrid_, January 24 2024 7 months ago

Thank you.

I 7 months ago

This made me smile, I feel like it should go on a card or get framed somewhere with a really loopy script font. Lovely poem

I 7 months ago

woww this is amazing I read it twice and found new things to love about it

The Lonely Beetle 7 months ago

This looks so cool!!! Great work!

Medusa 7 months ago

this is so so so beautiful and reminiscent and wonderful. a true testament to girlhood and it’s aches. i love this more than words can say <3

The Lonely Beetle 7 months ago

Acid rain is not good, and can cause health problems. It is mostly caused by pollution, and chemicals in the air. :(

Spring Showers 7 months ago

Love it. Absolutely very true. It is a plague that teenagers get caught up in- trying to "fit in." Truth is, you'll never be able to fit in, and that should make you proud.

Take It Easy 7 months ago

Can't Take That Away is one of my absolute favorite comfort books. It's both sad and uplifting, and I absolutely love it.

Tiny Write by Bookworm's Book-Nook, January 19 2024 7 months ago