
Comment Commented on Posted

Omg the way there's a part of this that repeats with even more resentment and desperation and anger is crazy I got goose bumps and there wasn't even an exclamation point fantastic  piece!

15 cents for a dress 7 months ago

So beautiful and haunting and visually stunning. You really conveyed the wanderer to well, I'm curious about him and it makes me think of other wanderers I've seen or heard about and wonder about their lives. Such a gift to portray this mysterious figure in such a compelling way.

The Lonely Wanderer 7 months ago

I love this. They really should.

They need to stop this awful theft 7 months ago

I love this! You have such a distinct voice for this character not to mention the sass. (Honestly. The nerve of winged insects these days) I want to hear more thoughts from this bug. Like, what do they think of moths?

Bug 7 months ago

That angelic face is hard to look away from! She looks so at peace. There is so much magic in this picture: the pixies, the Hobbit window, those little rainbow sparkles of light... it's pure fantasy.

Glow 7 months ago

I love the response to this challenge and your choice of line breaks really adds to this. "Why must we be like the ashes in a fire, / when we could rise, / into the blaze, / like many others?" is my favorite line. Lovely, keep writing!

"We can" 7 months ago

You two look like queens of the world! Is that a little hen house?

Climb higher 7 months ago

this is simply beautiful. I love this poem RuesselA. your way with describings these feelings we have throughout the year is amazing. "Opportunity is but a moment in our lives / tht leads to both good and evil." "the summer just continues to float like a zephyr of opportunities" "it dulls the mood to the point where we have to find a celebration to survive" Keep writing!

Seasonal Opportunity 7 months ago

I think you're on to something... this blinding by the sun that temporarily prevents us from seeing someone's color, their outward appearance at all. I sometimes wonder whether I would treat people differently if I were blind, if I would be kinder, with all visual-based internal biases removed -- the ones I can't see in myself, but that are no doubt there nonetheless. I like to think I would be just the same, but I'm sure there is much I would learn about compassion in a day without vision.

Color 7 months ago

This is the perfect set-up for a story! Or I'd love to know his story anyway -- but I guess that's the whole point, you've wanted to create an air of pure mystery. And what a character you've created. The bit about the sadness behind the eyes... haunting, even if he is human indeed. I can't help but wonder if a little more physical description about his features might add to this piece, as well?

The Lonely Wanderer 7 months ago