you invoke this memory so clearly and with such tenderness! I love all the details "mittened hand," "squares of hay." Also, you do such a good job describing the movement of the memory. Excellent choice of verbs --- and an choice to really highlight the verbs in the piece.
Hmm, I am also suffering from writer's block right now!! Sometimes a thing that helps is to come up with a list of titles, just random things or funny phrases you think would work as a title, and then try to write a story/poem that goes with it. Hope this helps!
Holy cow dude! did this really happen to you?
Thank you so much!!!
Thank you! :)
you invoke this memory so clearly and with such tenderness! I love all the details "mittened hand," "squares of hay." Also, you do such a good job describing the movement of the memory. Excellent choice of verbs --- and an choice to really highlight the verbs in the piece.
Of course! Thank youuuu <3
thank you so much you <3 good luck to you as well and keep on writing!!!
Thank you so much for your input!!!! it is so helpful and so supportive!! Good luck to you too <3
Hmm, I am also suffering from writer's block right now!! Sometimes a thing that helps is to come up with a list of titles, just random things or funny phrases you think would work as a title, and then try to write a story/poem that goes with it. Hope this helps!
Thank you! I’m taking a poetry class so it’s the most revised poem I’ve ever written(:
This is so, so pretty! It captures the sea so beautifully, and every line just feels so right.