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The Great Gatsby was one of the first "classics" I ever read, and it still sits well with me today. I'm a big fan of visual writing, so that scene where he sees the girls in the room with the flowing white curtains has stuck with me for years. I've always thought its message was so well delivered; obsession and its inevitable consequences. And as much I love the narrator and how his unreliable storytelling influences the way I absorb the narrative, I am always struck with Fitzgerald's writing style. It's been something that I could never mimic, and I'm always amazed by it. Glad to hear someone else likes this book as much as I do!

Book Club post by Geri, December 2 2023 2 months ago

This sounds like a super interesting read to me. I love books that explain things about human interaction, so I'm definitely going to have to check this one out! If you like books like this, you totally have to check out The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human by Jonathan Gottschall. It's a nonfiction piece about why humans love to tell stories, and I love it to pieces. His writing style is hilarious, too, so it's super entertaining. Thanks for the rec!

Book Club post by DeliDelDel, January 3 2024 2 months ago

Thank you!

Morning Dock 2 months ago

My sister recommended me Once Upon a Broken Heart about a year ago, and I remember loving it! I was really surprised, because usually fantasy romance isn't my favorite, but I was totally obsessed, it was so good.

Book Club post by slothinator, April 24 2024 2 months ago

I was totally captured from the title, so I ended up looking up the summary, and I have to say that this book looks totally my style! Thanks for the rec, it's definitely going on my "To Read" list!

Book Club post by bellatrix, June 21 2024 2 months ago

Yes, thank you for that! More chapters will be up soon, hopefully :)

Chapter Twelve- That of Poison and Roses 2 months ago

Yeah. I’ve heard the spoon analogy quite a bit, and it was something that played a big role in how I wrote this poem.

The Wall 2 months ago

Thank you! this piece was inspired by my best friend obviously, its always meaningful to write about it and thought I should as friends always mean a great lot to people in life. 

A Best Friend 2 months ago

I'm digging the contrast in this! The black and white flowers are just as pretty as the colored one. This is digital art?

Roses 2 months ago

This is pure heaven! The sun's reflection lines up with the dock so perfectly! 

Morning Dock 2 months ago