Tiny Writes
Someone should make a recurring series on YWP. Every week or something they could post a new installment and build on a plot or story! This would be really fun, as for the suspense of waiting for the next one to come out. If you have any ideas for the theme of one of these stories, I would love to hear them. Maybe I will post a series…just sharing this idea.
oooo, that's a really cool idea! i might try it out some time :)
Love this idea, riphssmyth! Let us know if you want help setting it up.
That sounds like I really cool idea. I'm just afraid that if I ever try to do something like that the stress from the deadlines might get to me
Ok, I just had this idea. It’s sort of inspired by the Ethicist column in the New York Times, but what if I ran like an advice column and you guys could message me problems (real or made up) and I would pick one every week and write a solution. It could be serious or funny, whatever the people who picked the problem wanted.
Oooooooo that sounds awesome, I’m in!
ooooooooo ok i'll see if i have time to join in. what should the plot be?
I feel like to have a longer plot like this you need a strong main character to route for…who would this be?
I'd suggest someone relatable (so, a teenager) who is (or becomes) really skilled at something (without being perfect ofc) but is also flawed and may not even realize it at the beginning. They could also have a disadvantageous background like poverty or mental/physical health issues (if health issues you could also have the character discover that gradually). This would make their wins more exciting as they beat the odds
ooooo they should be an archer or horseback rider!!!
That is a really good idea!
I love this idea! also yes we need like a great main character maybe like a fairy tales idea?
We should do nature names, like Vine, Hazel, Heather, Rowan, etc. And dyed green highlights! And they're part of pride! Maybe a fae/faer or bi! And faer young, like 19 or so! A hunter who hunts to survive, kinda like katniss! and fse ride hordses and is ultimately connected with nature. Plant growing powers! Talking to animals! A shorty! (Sorry i'm kinda obsessive when it comes to characters)
oh my god same and also I love this idea
Yes! If you guys want I could create a character list, and maybe a cover if this will be a full length novel/book or whatever :)
that sounds great! maybe ask whomever started this comment thread (riphssmyth) but I like this idea!
Alright! So should I message riphssmyth or if you see this riphssmyth then I hope this works! :)
yep probably!! :DD
Alright doing that now :D
This is a really cool idea!!
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