


13 years old



  • Snowfall

     The snow comes down in big flakes

    Wet, but puffy

    Pleasing and cold

    Landing on my nose

    My cheeks

    My eyelashes.

    It is officially winter.

    The giddiness that comes with the first snowfall

  • Winter Rain

    Inspired by the poem 'Fog' by Carl Sandburg.

    He comes quietly, night after night,

    soft four-toed footprints in the frosted grass.


    He rolls over, and over, stretching

  • bookish girl

    A book lover who reads by flashlight and dreams of living in a cottage by the sea,

    and running a bookstore with tinted windows and plants spilling down shelves,

  • I Am Angry

    I am angry at the world 

    I am angry at it’s injustice 

    I am angry at America 

    I am angry that we let this happen 

    I am angry at everyone

  • Alone

    I do what I’m told

    I have friends

    I try my best

    But it isn’t enough

    I ninety feels bad

    A failure

    But for some people it’s a win

    I don’t want to squash their victory

    I don’t know how to feel