Sailor Pants

My great-grandmother, a lifelong tailor, had a saying for whenever she'd see a sliver of blue skies peeking out from behind the clouds of an otherwise dreary day. "That's enough for sailor pants!" she'd exclaim. 

Of course, I never met my Great Oma (Oma is German for Grandma), and I only know this story through my Oma, her daughter, who carries on the tradition.

But despite not having met my Great Oma, sailor pants represent a level of optimism I always try to emulate my in my own life; sometimes, if I'm having a bad day, I just remind myself that out there somewhere is enough to make sailor pants, and if I'm having trouble finding it, all I have to do is turn around.

Photographed on 9/8/24 in Huntington, VT, off of Main Road. The image of cloudy skies was taken in the facing directly opposite from the direction the sailor pants were photographed.



16 years old

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