8:00 in the Morning

8:00 In the Morning 

Once there was a 10 year-old girl and her mother who lived in New Hampshire. They lived in a little apartment with just enough room for the two of them. One day Sammy’s Mom, Ivy, called Sammy down for breakfast.

“ Sammy, time to eat honey.” Sammy came down the stairs and sat at the table, ready to eat her waffles with whipped cream (that she had every morning) but something was different about this morning.  There were no waffles with whipped cream. There was just Mom with a sad face and eggs that looked like rubber. 

Ivy said, “ Honey, sit down. I need to tell you something.”

Sammy said, “ Um ok,” with a face that looked teffired.

Sammy’s Mom started to say something, but then Sammy cut her off, “ Um, Mom, where are my waffles?”

“We will talk about that in a minute.  Back to what I was saying …..

 Mom got a few words in, and then Sammy interrupted her again, “But Mom where are my waffles, you know with the whipped cream, that you give me every morning.”

Sammy’s Mom was now getting frustrated that she couldn’t even say a sentence without Sammy talking about her waffles. “Sammy, this is really important what I am trying to say.  Sammy started laughing at her mom’s bright red face, but then started to say, “I am sorry all I keep talking about is waffles, I am just making sure I am not eating these rubber looking things that are on my plate.”

“Sammy May that is not how you treat your Mother’s cooking, now say your sorry.” 

“I will not say sorry for something I don’t feel sorry about.”

Sammy’s Mom tries to stay cool.  She breathes in and out and then she speaks in a stern voice.”  “I hear you, but that is not how it is. You are going to sit down, and listen to what I have been trying to say for the last twenty minutes and then eat your breakfast. Are we clear about what you are going to do?”

“Yes, Mommy.”  Sammy slouches in her chair but listens to her Mom.

“Now that I have your attention, I have some big news, it is both exciting and nerve racking at the same time. Are you ready for it?” Sammy’s Mom was a little worried to tell her but she was just waiting for Sammy to say “yes.”

“ Yes,” Sammy said very sarcastically.  

“We are moving to New York City?” Ivy was hoping Sammy was happy.

“Wait we are moving to New York?” Sammy asked with a different look on her face 

“Ya, I got a better job opportunity there and there are amazing schools there.  So I was thinking we could move down there permanently.” Ivy was trying to convince Sammy.

“Mom, I don’t know, you love your job here and I have an amazing school with a great group of friends. Why do we have to leave?” 

“Well, Sammy, I lost my job two days ago.  That is why I have been home. But another company that works with my old company has offered me a job and I took it.” 

“Wait you took the job?  I don’t even get a say.” 

“Sammy, I had to do this.  I needed a job and it is a great chance for you and me to explore New York,”

“I am so excited Mom,” Sammy said sarcastically to her Mother.

“Perfect, glad we are on the same page.” Ivy answered back sarcastically.  “We leave next week on Wednesday.” Sammy’s Mom was so happy that her and Sammy were going to the Big Apple.

“That gives me a week and three days in New Hampshire to do everything I love and to see all my friends before I never see them again.  Thanks Mom,” Sammy said, stomping up the stairs to her bedroom.

“You’re welcome honey, I am so glad your happy about the trip.”  Ivy response with a sarcastic tone in her voice. 
Two Days Later

Sammy still wasn’t sure it was the right decision that her Mom made. Sammy had been up for a while before her Mom called her down for breakfast.  Sammy, honey, time for breakfast. It isn’t the eggs this time.” 

“Coming Mom,” Sammy called from her bedroom in irritated voice.

Sammy walks down the stairs with a smug look on her face and plops down in her chair. Sammy’s Mom is facing the counter next to the stove and she turns around and starts to say something to Sammy, “Good morning, Sammy.” 

“Good morning Mom,” Sammy said, trying to turn the situation positive.

“Well, I am glad you are making the most of this and you’ll,” then Sammy cut in.

“Mom I still don’t love your decision but I can’t change it so I am making the best of it and if we go to New York then you can take me to Broadway and I can become a star.” 

“You think so.  OK. Well, as long as you are ok with going to New York, then I am happy.”

A Week Later

Sammy and her Mom were packing for their trip because they were leaving the next day. Sammy’s Mom was panicking, going around to all the rooms to make sure she had packed everything in boxes.  They just needed the moving truck to arrive so they could put all the boxes in it. Sammy woke up at 7:00 in the morning and even though her Mom usually wakes her up at 7:15. So she waited for the time to pass. It was 7:05, then 7:08, and then Sammy finally got bored and got up and started writing in her journal at her desk. Then she looked at the clock and it was 7:12 and then it was finally 7:15, time for Mom to call up the stairs and say, “Time for breakfast,” or, “Honey, time to get up.”  But it was weird. Mom didn’t call up the stairs. So I waited and waited, but it got to be 7:30 and Mom hadn’t said anything to me. So I decided to get dressed and go downstairs myself. I walked downstairs and Mom was walking from one room to the next moving boxes around and labeling them. She was in full MOM PANIC MODE which is the scariest mode to ever see my Mom in! 

“Mom, calm down.  Everything is great.  The moving truck will be here on time and everything is packed, just take a deep breath.”

“ No, it will not be fine until everything is done and we are in New York City.” 

“Oh, look the moving truck is here,” Sammy said, trying to get her Mom to calm down.

“Good, Go tell the guy to load all the boxes in the truck then to come see me for his check.” 

When Sammy arrives at the moving truck she introduces herself to the two movers.  

“Hi, I am Sammy.”

“Hi, I am Eric.”

“Hi, I am Tommy.”

“So, my Mom wants you to load all the boxes that are in the rooms then go see her and she will give you your check. Sounds good?” 

“Yep, sounds good, “Tommy said.

With one final lap around the house several hours later, Mom and Sammy look at all the empty house.  It looked like a lot of memories were missing and all boxed up. They close and lock the front door for the final time and load in their car.  Mom reaches over and takes Sammy’s hand and says, “Don’t worry Sammy. Change can be a good thing.”  

Thetford Academy


YWP Instructor

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